Escape the Ordinary: 10 Website Design Tips to Rise Above the 2+ Billion Sites Online

April 12, 2023
Escape the Ordinary: 10 Website Design Tips to Rise Above the 2+ Billion Sites Online

In a digital realm overflowing with over 2 billion websites, it's crucial to differentiate your site from the masses.

Don't let your site be part of the 99% that are easily overlooked; adopt these 10 website design tips to captivate your audience and leave your competition trailing behind.

1. The Psychology of Design

Colors, fonts, and layouts can subconsciously influence the emotions and actions of website visitors.

For example, warm colors like red and yellow can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to take immediate action, while cool colors like blue and green can drive a sense of calm and trust.

Choosing the right fonts can also impact customer perception of a brand's credibility and expertise.

The right font can make you look approachable and evoke friendly emotions. Perfect if you're providing services related to human relationships, for example.

Now, if you provide banking / financial services, you'll want people to trust you, positioning yourself as an expert in your game. See the difference?

By understanding design psychology, you can have a website that appeals to customers' emotions and encourages them to purchase your services.

2. The Power of Storytelling

Telling your brand's story on your website can create a deeper connection with customers and build trust and credibility.

And set you apart from the competition.

In a world of soulless brands, customers crave a brand that doesn't sound bureaucratic or indifferent.

They want connections.

By sharing your values and unique perspective, you can create a more engaging user experience that increases loyalty and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

3. The Importance of User Experience

When designing a website that sells, user experience is everything.

Think of it like this: your website is like a fancy storefront, and if it's hard to navigate or takes forever to load, it's like trying to get into a store with a broken door or a confusing layout.

Not a great way to make a sale, right?

You can create a website that draws people in and keeps them engaged by focusing on easy navigation, fast load times, and responsive design.

And when visitors have a great experience on your site, they're more likely to become paying customers.

4. The Role of Mobile Optimization

Think about it – more and more people are using their phones to shop online.

And if your website isn't optimized for mobile devices, you're missing out on a vast potential market.

But fear not, because by designing your website with mobile users in mind, you can tap into this growing trend and give your sales a serious boost.

We're talking about fast load times, easy navigation, and a sleek design that looks amazing on any screen (specifically small ones).

5. The Impact of Visual Appeal

When it comes to website design, looks really do matter.

A beautifully designed website can captivate your customers and keep them engaged for longer, ultimately leading to more sales.

It's all about creating a vibe that resonates with your audience – through stunning imagery, eye-catching graphics, or a sleek, modern layout that screams "cool."

And let's not forget the science behind it – studies have shown that customers are more likely to trust and buy from a business with a well-designed website.

6. The Benefits of Branding Consistency

Do you know what's cooler than being cool?

Being consistent with your branding.

Regarding website design, staying true to your brand's visual identity and messaging can do wonders for building customer trust and loyalty.

Think about it like this: Would you trust a company whose website looks like a 5-year-old designed it with a crayon?

Probably not.

But if you come across a website consistent with a brand's overall look and feel, you're more likely to trust them and feel a connection with the brand.

Plus, a consistent brand experience across all platforms can help reinforce brand recognition and keep customers returning for more.

7. The Power of Social Proof

Have you ever wondered why customer reviews and testimonials are such a big deal?

It's because of the power of social proof.

A website can establish credibility and encourage engagement with potential buyers by showcasing positive customer feedback and linking to social media accounts.

This type of social validation can be the key to unlocking higher sales and building brand loyalty.

I know it takes time to get good user reviews/testimonials if you're offering a service — it's easier if you have an online store — but the results speak for themselves.

So don't underestimate the impact of including social proof on your website.

It could be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity.

8. The Influence of Load Times

Picture this:

A potential customer finds your website and clicks on it, excited to see what your business offers.

But as the website slowly loads, they become frustrated and decide to click away, leaving you with a missed opportunity.

The truth is that slow load times can (and believe me, it will) significantly impact your business.

Studies show that just a one-second delay in load time can lead to a 7% reduction in conversions.

By prioritizing fast load times and ensuring your website is optimized for speed, you can improve customer satisfaction and increase your chances of making a sale.

9. The Role of Personalized Recommendations

Your website can do more than showcase your products.

It can offer personalized recommendations and targeted promotions to boost your sales and build customer loyalty.

By leveraging data and artificial intelligence, your website can analyze user behavior and preferences to offer product recommendations and discounts that resonate with your audience.

For example, imagine your website suggesting a new product to a customer based on their previous purchases or offering a limited-time discount to a customer who abandoned their cart.

By offering a personalized experience, your website can stand out and drive more sales.

10. The Value of Accessibility

In today's digital age, a website that's inclusive to all users is more important than ever.

Making your site accessible to those with disabilities shows your brand's commitment to inclusivity and opens up a new customer base that was previously untapped.

In fact, according to a recent study, businesses that prioritize web accessibility have seen a 15% increase in potential customers.

This involves taking simple but meaningful steps, like:

  • Make sure the colors work for colorblindness.
  • Have decent-sized buttons and text.
  • Proper alt-tags on images.

By designing a website that accommodates users with different needs, brands can create a positive customer experience, leading to increased sales and a more substantial brand reputation.

Investing in good design is essential for small businesses looking to grow and succeed in the competitive digital landscape.

By leveraging the expertise and services offered by Leverage by Design™, you can transform your business's logo and website design, creating a powerful and lasting impression on potential customers.,

Don't let bad design hold your business back—take action today and elevate your brand with Leverage by Design™.

Click the link below 👇 to schedule a FREE call with me.

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In the best case, we work together, and I help you scale your business with good design as you never thought possible.

Worst case, you leave with a better understanding and actionable tips to improve your brand and website.

Either way, you win.
